Italferr scores another important success in the Balkans
From 2012 to 2020, in Romania, Italferr contributed to the restructuring and adaptation of over 429 km of railway lines, modernizing the infrastructure and adapting it to European standards.
Italferr has been awarded by CFR (Compania Natonala de Cai Ferate - Railway Company of the Romanian Republic) the feasibility study for the rehabilitation of the Craiova-Caransebes railway line, part of the eastern Mediterranean corridor, with a length of cira 234 km (of which 180 km single track).
The existing infrastructure is far from TEN-T standards, as well as from TSI requirements, being in a low maintenance condition. The line, on which passenger and goods trains run, does not comply with the new EN standards, and there are several areas of instability and hydrogeological risk along the route; it crosses morphologically complex areas and, therefore, the presence of major works such as tunnels, bridges and consolidation works is important.
By signing the contract, Italferr has contributed to the improvement of transport standards by aligning itself with European standards.
The activities have been concluded.