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Italferr has been assigned by RFI - Rete Ferroviaria Italiana - to be the technical subject for performing the activities connected with carrying out the expropriation procedures for Public Utility aimed at the construction and/or modification of railway tracks, as governed by the Consolidated Text on Expropriations - Presidential Decree 327/2001 and subsequent amendments and integrations, including those envisaged for Procedure Management. This activity produces effects on the properties affected by the infrastructure to be built and is carried out subsequent to the order of the relevant constraint envisaged for expropriation, via the procedure for Conference of Services or ordinary authorising processes, and subsequent approval by RFI of the final project involving implicit declaration of public utility. The Consolidated Text on Expropriations identifies the procedure to be carried out for the purpose of informing the interested parties publicly prior to the implementation of the above-mentioned measures.


Identify the Region in which the expropriation area falls, click and contact the relevant office to receive more information.