TEN-T CORE CORRIDOR N. 3 "Mediterranean"
The new French-Italian freight and passenger link at the heart of the Mediterranean Corridor.
It connects the Iberian Peninsula to Eastern Europe, passing through Italy via the Turin-Trieste route. A central part of the new line is the 65-kilometer long cross-border section from Susa to Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne in France to Bussoleno in Piedmont, crossing the Alps via the Mont Cenis base tunnel.
An extraordinary, 57-kilometer long infrastructure featuring a single-track double-bore configuration, with cross connections, called by-passes, that ensure a safe egress of travellers in case of emergency.
Italferr, in a grouping with the qualified international engineering companies Systra France and Pini Group, has been involved for many years in the design of the structure and is currently involved in the Base Tunnel Works Supervision activities for the promotion of trade along the Italian-French axis, within the European TEN-T network.
Among the first works performed in this area, entrusted by the company Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin (TELT), is the important project related to the "Operation and Facilities" Lot, which covers operation and maintenance studies and the preliminary and final design of rail and non-rail facilities.
No less important for the realisation of the work have been the commissioning of services for road transit control and the promotion of road-alternative transport methods on the French-Italian border (given that transalpine freight traffic has doubled in the last 30 years), the upgrading of the Turin rail freight hub, and the development of the metropolitan service in the city, with neighbouring territories and with the airport for passenger traffic.
In addition, Italferr was recently awarded the two tenders called by TELT related to the services of CoWork Supervision and Health & Safety Supervision for the works of Lot 2 (CO 6-7) site in the French section and for CO3-4 and CO1-2 in the Italian section.
The CO1 Work Site concerns the construction of a 3.6 km interconnection section that, through the Bussoleno Interconnection Tunnels (2 km), connects the New Turin Lyon Line to the historical RFI line.
The CO2 Work Site concerns the construction of a 2.5 km section that, crossing the Susa Plain, connects the Interconnection Tunnels to the Italy-side entrance to the Base Tunnel.
Other planned works also include the overpassing of the Dora River by means of metal structure bridges and the crossing-through of existing underground utilities and roads.
Work is scheduled for completion in 2029.