Italferr not only accompanies infrastructural evolution but anticipates it by designing traditional and innovative technological installations and systems intended for railway traffic, realising them up to the pre-operational phase.

These are integrated solutions designed to increase traffic potential and network security, thus promoting decreased operation and maintenance costs.

The use of innovative technologies has found its highest expression in the new traffic command/control system called ERTMS (European Rail Train Management System) - ETCS (European Traffic Control System) level 2, which had its first European application on the Rome-Naples high-speed railway section and its subsequent extension to all Italian HS/HC lines, settings a worldwide pioneering record.

These technologies represent the natural development of traditional system engineering solutions in the sector of train circulation safety, which has always been the cornerstone of the entire philosophy of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, and Italferr today holds the know-how in this sector. This context also includes the new 2x25 kV electrification system made to particularly high performance standards, implemented in the HS/HC railway sections.


GSM-R Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway

This is a mobile radiotelephony system used exclusively for railways that can efficiently and integrally meet all voice and data communication needs associated with railway operations, including the control, in safety, of train operations. GSM-R transmits on a specific frequency band in the 900 MHz range reserved in Europe and will enable data and information exchange between the technological and signalling systems of different European railways through a single interoperable communication standard. At present, coverage includes about 9,000 km of line, and another 1,500 km will be added in the near future.

ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 - European Rail Traffic Management System/European Train Control System

Signalling system specified by the European Union with the aim of defining a system that would overcome the constraints so far imposed by traditional national signalling systems and enable interoperability among European networks. The first installation of ERTMS was carried out on the new Rome-Naples High Speed/High Capacity line where the system's functionality was tested and its technical, safety and reliability performance verified.

SCMT - Sistema Controllo Marcia Treno (Discontinuous Train Cab Signalling System)

A system to protect train travel with respect to signalling, maximum train speed and line gradient, and slowdowns and speed reductions. The system consists of transponders (balises) and encoders installed on and along the line and an on-board antenna that receives information and supplies power to the balise as the train passes it.

ACC - Apparato Centrale Computerizzato (Central Interlocking)

It is the most modern system for controlling and managing train traffic in stations. It includes a movement logic processing unit, an operator interface unit equipped with video terminals, and a support unit that manages diagnostics, maintenance and service functions. It has been activated in more than 50 Italian stations including those of Roma Termini, Roma Ostiense, Venezia Mestre, Milano Rogoredo, Pisa Centrale, Bologna Centrale and Palermo.

SCC - Sistema di Comando e Controllo (Command & Control System)

It is the most advanced remote built-in traffic management system in use in the railway sector. Developed to improve and ensure the regularity of trains as part of the service quality upgrade process, it enables integrated management of traffic, diagnostics and maintenance, public information, video surveillance, and simplifies management procedures and achieves maximum timeliness and effectiveness in solving transit problems even on lines with heavy traffic. The technological and functional architecture of the system provides for the existence of manned control rooms where technologies and organisation are concentrated, and usually unmanned peripheral posts (stations, communication posts, shunting yards, etc.) that ensure the dialogue between the command post and the lines being managed.

ACC-M and SCC-M - Apparato Centrale Computerizzato Multistazione e Sistema di Comando e Controllo Multistazione (Multistation Central Interlocking and Multistation Command & Control System)

ACC-M and SCC-M are evolutions of the previously described systems that allow to concentrate into a single central post the safety logics of an entire rail section, thereby improving reliability, maintainability and overall performance.

ACEI – Apparato Centrale Elettrico a Itinerari (Central Electrically Controlled Routing) systems

The safety of train traffic within the stations is ensured by the ACEI (Central Electrically Controlled Routing) systems that implement all safety conditions with wired or relay-operated electromechanical technology.

Sistemi di Blocco (Signalling Block Systems)

The safety of trains on the line is ensured by various types of automatic blocking systems. For high-traffic lines, with the need to put more trains on the rail sections, BAB (Banalised Automatic Block for two-way traffic) with coded currents is used with the repetition of signals on board, while for low traffic lines the BCA (Axle-Counting Block) system is used.

CTC - Controllo del Traffico Centralizzato (Centralised Traffic Control)

A forerunner of the innovative SCC is the CTC (Centralised Traffic Control) system used on branch lines. It allows the remote control of stations and traffic management from a central location. Level crossings along the line are managed by automatic safety systems with relay logic to operate the barriers.

ATN - Annuncio Treni Numerico (Train Number Announcement)

ATN systems enable automatic transmission of the exact "Train Sequence Order" between adjacent stations, eliminating the associated telephone communications between Traffic Managers and records on the form in use.