Italferr presents the country's infrastructure development plan
In July 2022, Italferr, in Joint Venture with SPT, concluded the preparation of the Master Plan of Ethiopia, the first country financed by African Development Bank funds, with Client Ethiopian Road Authority, commissioned by the Ethiopian Ministry of Transport. The project planned until 2052 the infrastructural development activities of all transport systems: roads, railways, navigation, aviation, urban mobility and logistics.
On 10 November, the final workshop was held in the Skylight Hotel in Adis Ababa, where the summary of the results of the new document was presented to the main technical and institutional stakeholders.
Ethiopia is currently one of the fastest implementing countries in the transport sector with the inauguration of sub-Saharan Africa's first LRT in 2016, a place of excellence in the world of air transport with Ethiopian Airlines and an ambitious WB-funded road and highway sector development programme.
The Master Plans' drafting activities lasted 24 months and represent the fifth project successfully completed by Italferr in the country.